Live Healthy Lynchburg | Eat, Play, Work, Learn & Think Healthy

Everything you need to live healthy in Lynchburg, VA.

A directory of healthy choices in Lynchburg for you to eat, play, work, learn, and think healthy!

A scale wrapped in measuring tape.

1 in 3 children and 2 in 3 adults in Lynchburg are overweight.


Obesity is one of the most prevalent and reversible causes of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, reproductive dysfunction, psychiatric conditions, and even cancer. 

Eating healthy requires education AND access to healthy foods and safe areas to exercise. Overall health is more than weight or body-mass-index. Mental health cannot be separated from physical health, and both affect happiness, career, family, and life expectancy.


5 pillars of healthy living

Choose a pillar to discover ways you can live healthy in Lynchburg

Eat Healthy

Where to find healthy food and nutrition advice locally

Play Healthy

Abundant options to help you meet your daily exercise goals

Think Healthy

Local support for mind and spirit from faith communities and mental health professionals


Learn Healthy

Resources for parents, teachers and administrators to advocate for health at school

Work Healthy

How to support employee health, with advice from local companies


What Locals Are Saying

Lynchburg was nationally ranked as the 8th most obese metropolitan area in the US (Healthways-Gallop Poll, 2010) so I challenged the city to get fit. It worked. In 2012, Lynchburg collectively lost 12 tons of weight, thanks to the support and encouragement of Live Healthy Lynchburg!
— Joan Foster, Former Mayor
Live Healthy Lynchburg is a great organization whose voice in this community is driven by its passion for seeing its residents thrive in wellness. Our city is a better place to live, work, and play when we are all healthy!
— Dr. Keith Anderson, Executive Director Student Health & Wellness, Liberty University

Our Impact


1,000+ participants

Our annual fitness challenges have had thousands of participants and over 400 employers engaged each year.


15 companies

Fifteen companies in Lynchburg received free treadmill desks for shared office usage through a Live Healthy Lynchburg grant.


8 community gardens

LHL grant money was used to create new and improve existing community gardens in the Lynchburg area.


About Us

Live Healthy Lynchburg’s mission is to achieve positive health outcomes for the Lynchburg region through community partnerships that develop policies, systems, and environmental strategies.