All of our schools want to provide a healthy environment for our students and the staff. Lynchburg City Schools webpage has individual links to each school
The LCS Wellness Policy focuses on improving the health of students.
School Lunch connects to menus for students and parents to review.

Virginia Cooperative Extension, Nutrition Program
The Virginia Cooperative Extension program offers youth health and nutrition classes through their Family Nutrition Program mission in order to teach students how to make healthier food choices.

Va Agriculture in the Classroom
This website has resources for teachers including lesson plans, maps of Virginia, access to grants, and more. The goal is to connect our students to the agriculture around them.

School Gardens
LHL has supported gardens in our community as a way to learn about and access healthy foods. Bedford Hills Elementary School has one pictured here. If your school does not yet, this website has suggestions how to get started.
Additionally, Lynchburg Parks & Rec has gardens at each of their community centers.

Family Life Education
The Virginia guidelines for Family Life education run the gamut of health education topics.
In grades 2 & 3: “The student will be conscious of how commercials use our emotions to make us want products.”
Grade 5: “The student will realize the importance of nutrition for himself or herself.”
Grade 8: “The student will describe the effects of alcohol and drug use and abuse on families and peer relationships.”
Grade 12: “The student will develop a plan for managing resources in the home.” & “The student will analyze stress and crisis situations which affect family life.”
This HELP! website separates guidelines by grade (the original document is a 30 page PDF!) and gives online links for each which are especially appropriate for the 20-21 school year when many learners are remote and online.

PLAYWORKS is a company with programs to promote indoor and outdoor activity for students in schools across the US. In 2012, LHL got a grant for PLAYWORKS to train all our teaching assistants in movement. Look in your school’s main office for the Playworks manual. Go here for more info.

Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids has an Activity Library where you can find ideas as a classroom teacher, PE teacher or administrator to support health in your school.

Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth
Y Street is the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth’s award-winning volunteer initiative for high school students. Since 2004, more than 9,000 Virginia teens have been trained to engage their local communities with strategies for obesity prevention and by advocating for tobacco prevention policies.

Camp Kum-Ba-Yah
Nestled in the heart of Lynchburg, Camp Kum-Ba-Yah offers 40 acres of natural play and education space for public and private enjoyment. The facilities are open throughout the year, offering youth camp programs, pool memberships and environmental education programs for all in the community.

Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center
Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center, also known as Surrender Grounds Forest and Holiday Lake 4-H Camp, is located within the confines of Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest near Appomattox, Appomattox County, Virginia.

Amazement Square
Amazement Square is an award-winning, multi-disciplinary, hands-on museum located in historic Downtown Lynchburg, Virginia. The museum offers four floors of hands-on, interactive exhibits designed to make learning fun. AS has a fantastic nutrition exhibit to help kids learn how to make healthy choices.

Camp Hydaway
This treasure on the Liberty University campus has campfire sites, a ropes challenge course and more. Not available in 2020.

Centra Career Camps
Centra Health offers Career Camps for young adults to connect to the variety of health care career options.

College Covid Resources
COVID-19 has brought new challenges to living on campus and pursuing an education safely. Each school highlights their resources.
Virginia University of Lynchburg and Randolph College are fully online this semester

College Health
Lynchburg is graced with several diverse colleges that each strive to support student health. Each school highlights their resources.
CVCC, Virginia University of Lynchburg and Randolph College are fully online this semester

College Wellness
Wellness is focused on preventative health - eating habits, exercise, emotional and social support. Colleges recognize that healthy students learn better!

Beyond the Bell
YMCA provides several options called Beyond the Bell including Full Day Child Care, Before and After School Care, and Virtual Learning Center. All of these provide students support in completing remote learning while also staying active and enjoying fun activities throughout the day.