June Fitness Challenge! June 1-30

Health experts say that to maintain good health we need 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week, i.e., 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days.

Work Healthy, in collaboration with the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance will host the Strive for 5 challenge in June.  It’s simple….just “get in 30” as many days as possible between June 1-30, 2021.  There are virtually no restrictions on eligible activity – if it gets you moving, raises your heartbeat and tickles your spirit, it counts.  Just get moving!  

Copy the flyer below to promote at your organization.

11x17 Strive for Five Flyer.png


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Best Practices

Workplace wellness that works - includes testimonials from Honest Tea, Medical Mutual, and McCormick & Co

Healthier practices - Foster healthier food and beverage choices, increase physical activity and prevent tobacco use among employees



Work Healthy Champions


If you would like more information about becoming a Work Healthy Champion through sponsorship click here!

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